Why Is That Little Gray Hair So Hard To Pull Out?

So, I have noticed some "age appropriate" gray hair sprouting up lately. My first instinct was to pull that sucker out. That little guy did not want to cooperate. The first try yielded an innocent by-stander, the second brought a few more along with it. I resorted to a pair of tweezers and successfully got the task done. The next day I was curious to see if there were any other victims. Of course there were..... I immediately went to work only to find more resistance than the day before. In frustration I quit and went on with the day. I forgot all about those "grays." The following day I wore a hat and thought nothing of the uninvited guests. By now I had to wash my hair and could not help but notice the now healthy crop of grays. This time I did not try to pull them out. I am thinking that they are no longer uninvited guests. We all know they are certainly "age appropriate." I think they are a big part of my growing life's journey. If I pull them out, I know more will grow. Just like I am growing with these experiences. Would I want to pull any of these experiences out? Honestly , maybe one or two, but I would not trade the rest of them for anything. They are a part of making me understand what my mission, my purpose, and what I am to learn in this life, is all about. So, maybe these experiences are met with a bit of resistance, not wanting to be pulled out. There are some experiences that cannot be plucked, they are a part of the refiner's fire, giving me "experience and shall be for thy good." I do not think I will be trying to pull so many of those little guys out;maybe some good color every now and then will do, but they will always be there to show me that these experiences are earned, not wanting to be plucked away.

Happy to be "a little gray,"


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