Saint Baldricks was amazing! Wyatt, Joey, Sam, Jake, Justin, Chase, Conner, and Joey's friend were the brave souls who graciously shaved to help raise funds for cancer research. Kristin had a generous showing of support from many of her friends fron Galena. At the end of the evening she commented that she was thankful for all the support from her friends and that it meant a lot to have them there. The event was staged by the Keaton Raphael Memorial here in Reno. (think Debbie Strickland and Lizzie Dalton) Wyatt was so excited to shave his head and was literally counting down the days. I think Sam called the house twice a day in anticipation also! These boys all attend Hunsberger. Chase Wortham's sister was diagnosised with A.L.L. a few years ago and is now a survivor. They had so much energy and not one of them second guessed their decision to shave. Kristin was very proud of Wyatt and loves sharing this experience with him. It will be a memory that they will never forget! This event is held every year, so if you feel left out you can always gear up for 09. We love you all and cannot thank you enough for your prayers, support, encouragement, and friendships. Leslie


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