" Parks rear view"
Mark Feldman
Ryan Dougherty
Alex Hames
Jackson Feldman
Run Wyatt
What are they looking at?
Pinned ya again!
Kristin, Amanda. Diane, Kathy, Corrie, Shelly. MacKenzie,Hailey
Darren and Jeremy

Kristin has been asking to have friends over for dinner like we use to in the "old days" for quite some time. We have not had the right circumstances to pull this off until this past weekend. I knew that her counts would still be good for a few more days and told Darren we need to do this this Sunday. No trips to Oakland were planned, so I called some friends:Hames, Gunters,Doughertys and Feldmans, and they all happened to be home this weekend. We basically did pot luck, but when this group gets together, this is no ordinary pot-luck! Kristin was eager to help prepare stuff as usual. (she is getting to be great in the kitchen) We tried our hand at a berry English Trifle with homemade custard, and fruit salsa for some teriyaki, cedar smoked, salmon. After dinner we played a spirited game of tackle-whiffle ball. We sat outside laughing and enjoying the evening. Later the dogs gave us the best laugh I have had in a very long time! What was so special about this night was that Kristin got us all together. We have been friends, boating buddies, and more for many years. Having friends over means so much to her right now. The next morning the Doctor was saying that we should take advantage of this window of time and have some friends over while she is still feeling well.......

Chemo went well, but as usual she feels awful in the evening. I have noticed her sleeping in much later so I am suspecting that her counts are beginning to fall. They told her that they have not seen anyone ever take chemo as good as she does. I give credit to the blessings she was given, many prayers and fasting on her behalf and hypnotherapy.


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