School has begun and I find myself busier than ever. Kristin started getting busy last week with "student body business." She helped with freshman orientation and made 29 various "I love Freshman" shirts for the rest of the student council members. It took her all day , but they were great! She also helped greet the faculty at a breakfast. Ms. Cox told me when Kristin was introduced, the entire faculty applauded. thank you Galena. Darren,and Alex Hames went for a quick trip to wakeboard at Boca and took her and some friends along. She could not get in the water, but it was a great way to finish off the week. The first day of school came and she was up early getting ready. As she and the boys left for the day, I said a prayer that she would find the strength she needed emotionally and physically to get through the day. This day was met with much anxiety, but the doubt and fear appears to have abated for the moment. yes, prayers are answered!

Health wise, Kristin is limping along as best she can. Her HGB has dropped a bit and she has noticed multiple bruises. I did call Oakland. I drew labs yesterday to see what her counts are. I am currently waiting for the results. Except for being absolutely exhausted all the time, she is holding her own.

We have no chemo this week, just labs in anticipation of next week. We are due in Oakland for two short chemo visits on Tuesday and Wednesday. Sadly, we will miss Cody's b-day on the 2nd. These are just clinic visits and not over night stays. Yea! The frustrating part is that these are things we could do here in Reno, but no one will be here to administer the drugs. So, we have to go all the way down there for shots and iv pushes! I am grateful for the things we can do here, but can someone please build a Children's Hospital in Nevada...soon?

Our love to you all!!!!!! Leslie


I know this is out of nowhere, but this is Tanji, Chaton's sister. She was over at my house yesterday, helping me with my little boy since I just had back surgery, and she told me about your daughter Kristin. I'm soo sorry to hear about this! She told me to look up your blog and read about it. I just wanted to say hi and that I will keep her and your family in our prayers. Good luck with everything!

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