Kristin's visit went well yesterday. As we walked in her demeanor quickly changed for the worse. I will explain why shortly...She had a check up and then her push of Vincristine. In the past she had gotten this through the broviac catheter which is painless. Well...we said good by to the catheter last week. Consequently all chemo will now be given intravenously. They have to use the back of her hands for labs and chemo now as the other veins are weakened. On the first try her vein blew and they had to try the other hand. The tears rolled down her cheeks, dripping onto the table. She was quiet and held still accepting what needed to be done. These children are amazing!!!!
As we walked out she said she was sorry for being grouchy. She told me when we got there, she began to think about the procedure, that it would hurt, and she just did not feel like being nice. I said that that was okay and you do not ever need to apologize for that!!!!


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