What a difference from just one year makes. She is all
and so very much
than last year at this very time.
If you read back in the blog to this time last year, you will see exactly what was happening.
In 08, her date, the same as this year, Robbi, and the rest of the group brought her flowers
and wished her well.
Her dress we bought was left hanging and the tickets unused.
She was so disappointed,
but at the same time realized just how bad she was feeling and knew it would have been an impossible feat to attend the dance. Not this year!
She had a great time,
with the same date she had planned on going with last year, Robbi LaRovere.
Just a note-
This week Kristin is scheduled for an LP (lumbar puncture with intrathecal methotrexate, simply put, chemo injected directly into the spinal fluid) They will be drawing off some fluid for testing. We will also be doing labs to see what her counts are. I am anxious to see all these results. Having them done on a regular basis was reassuring. I am glad to not have to do them so often because it means she is healthier. On the flip side, there is the nagging worry of not knowing.Other than this, she is still taking her daily regime of meds and continues to love living life to the fullest. Shouldn't we all?
Love to everyone,


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