I have just returned from the hospital where Kristin has been the last two days. She has contracted a beastly case of shingles! I know, shingles....could the timing be any worse? Last week a little itch on the back grew to a rash that is now covering her back right shoulder, under the arm and across the chest. By Monday morning I knew they should be looked at as they were progressively getting worse. As shingles run along a nerve, hers are misbehaving and tending to spread out. Which can happen when one is immune compromised. Much to Kristin's disappointment, Dr. Raphael acted quickly and admitted her. Shingles in someone with a weakend immune system is quite serious as it can spread internally to the lungs and liver. He said the timing of this is no coincidence. She is being treated with iv acyclovir and has had four rounds thus far. As for pain, they bother her when they are touched and has break through pain now and again. From my observation she seems to handling the pain quite well. thank heavens! The itching seems to be quite bothersome though. Emotionally this is very trying for her. But, as of this evening she has been so "out of it" she does not care. We will see what tomorrow brings. right now, it is one day at a time. Throughout the afternoon she was sporting a fever from 100-103.5. This meant drawing cultures and that usually means another 72 hours!!! Geez, we were suppose to take her to Provo this Thursday. I am thinking that cancer is the real inconvient truth Al Gore!

on that sarcastic note... I am once again humbled beyond words to be so very grateful to live in a time when Kristin can be treated with the very best medical care. To have the faith to be able to look forward to more healthier days. Even though we have not yet arrived at those unseen days, we hold onto to this knowledge knowing they will be forth coming . This faith gives us hope, helps me to comfort Kristin, and literally gives me the strength to continue on each day. I have never doubted this since the very beginning. As always & warmly, Leslie


Suzanna said…
Shingles is lame, let's all tell it to go away. Rest, rest, rest, then rest some more. I hope it takes a hike soon.

Kristin, we're always thinking of you and are happy about your graduation - you made it! Leslie, we're anxiously awaiting some cap and gown pics to be posted. We'll be patient, you have more important things to do right now.

Kristin, we hope you are feeling better soon.
The Hartman's
Suzanna, Bret, Giovanni and baby Isabella
Kelli Douglas said…
The shingles STINK. I had them too...argh!!! Frustrating indeed!

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