So, pardon the sarcasm in the title, but finally someone in Salt Lake followed through on Kristin's current state. On Monday she had labs repeated as per the doctor's orders on Saturday. The student health center checked the counts and evidently said to go ahead and resume meds, but check with Primary's first. Whoa.....wait, I thought she was possibly having an allergic reaction to something! So, Kristin, being the smart cookie that she is, did not resume her meds. She did call Salt Lake, but only left a message. Her call was never returned. She let me know she was very frustrated with how this is being handled and felt like no one cared about her since there has been no follow through over the weekend and her call was not returned. This did not sit well with me, so I made some phone calls. I finally spoke to a nurse practitioner and they said they nothing was written in her chart and there were no labs....anyho, she was concerned about Kristin's "hive/rash" and why her counts are so suppressed. My dear friend Tammy Brunst from Orem, was there to take Kristin to Salt Lake on a moments notice. I am so grateful. thanks Tammy! Her ANC as of Monday is only 367. This is myelosuppression,blood cell prodction is suppressed. Kristin has been dealing with this since the very beginning. eg.all those life saving transfusions! During maintenance the ANC should run between 1000-2000. Hers has dropped too low three times which means her counts are too suppressed. Now, that I think about it, ever since the 6-mp was increased by 1/2 a pill, she has struggled. Ironically it was increased because her counts were too high. Once again meds are stopped until the next appointment when counts will be rechecked. They will be running a test to see how she metabolizes 6-mp as they suspect this is the culprit.

It is my hope that maintenance will be a bit of a smoother ride from here on out. I want to scream sometimes and shout, "give the girl a break!" I know that things can be worse. We have been there. Yes, blessings are counted every single day. I hold my breath,tighten the old life jacket, start paddling and trust that there are smoother waters ahead.


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