I received a call from Connie Goes last week saying they are concerned about Kristin's feet and were ordering a slew (is that the correct spelling?) of tests. The next rounds of vincristine would be held for possibly 1-3 months to give her feet time to heal. FINALLY! I spent many hours reading and researching Raynauds, vasculitis, cryoglobulins, acral ulcers, perniosis, blahblahblah......There can be many contributing factors, but I am pretty sure her's is chemotherapy/leukemia related. So, yesterday she went to the health center to have blood drawn to begin the process. I will keep you posted.

In the mean time, she has been invited to go to Disney Land with a "friend's" family. We are still debating the issue. Then again, she is 19 and technically does not need our permission, but being the good girl that she is she has asked our permission. I would certainly want to go if it were me. I guess it is all the "what if's" that I have a hard time with. Let's have a vote!


Amy Girl said…
Yes it's "slew". I vote yes on Disneyland, but mostly because I know I'd want to go.
Kelli Douglas said…
I vote yes on Disney too...Kristin always deserves a good time and it will help to take her mind off things.
Unknown said…
mom you would have been out ruled. muaha

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