Monday morning it was decided that Kristin's marrow was slowly on the upswing and recovering enough to where the docs felt that Kristin could come home. This news was met with much relief on her part. After looking at the monocytes, her labs were all indicating that her ANC was on the way up. Although it is still not good enough for school, it was safe enough to be home. If her ANC is above 500 on Thursday, she would receive vincristine and more methotrexate. The latter being responsible for the low counts. We were secretly hoping that she would be too low for the methotrexate as Kristin did not want a repeat of last week. It was rough for the entire family. Sometimes we jokingly ask if we can get time off for "good behavior." They just laugh and say no. Thursday we returned; relunctantly, to Renown for more chemo.... her ANC was 468! No methotrexate, yes! I asked what bearing this had on her progress and they said that the chemo had done it's job and she did...