What an awful night! We were finally able to make it here for our over night chemo. This is the good news. The bad news is that we were not able to get a private room, and even worse, Kristin was put with a seven month old baby. Now, we LOVE babies,but when they are cancer patients they are not happy campers. This makes for a rather miserable night for us all.

The new meds, cytoxan, ara c, and another one that I have forgotten at the moment, are starting to make her quite nauseated. They are administering lots of fluids so she woke up on the puffy side. I was worried about this and how she would feel when she looked in the mirror, but she feels so awful that it does not matter at the moment. This should resolve itself within 24 hours. These meds will make her numbers really go low, but not for a few days. They told Kristin to take advantage of this small window of time and visit friends and try to feel normal for a while. She can't wait!

We watched "Gone With The Wind" last night and finished it this morning. I love the scene when Scarlett makes the dress from the green velvet curtains. It reminds me of the Carol Brunette skit where she reinacts the scene and actually wears the curtain rod across her shoulders. That is one of my all time favorites!

The only thing keeping us from getting home right now looks to be the weather. Figures! So, we will be released late this afternoon making it hard to drive through the pass tonight. The Keaton Raphael Memorial has connections down here was was able to get us a great discount on a room close by. Then, we can leave tomorrow morning. We both cannot wait to get out of here and home again.

Thank you everyone for taking care of my family and for every act of kindness you have shown us. We love you all!

Leslie and Kristin


Anonymous said…
Dear Kristin and Leslie

Thank you so much for your posts. I know that it takes time and effort on your part when so many other things are happening, all of the YW & Leaders think of you, remember you in thought, prayer, the temple, and send our love and support in any way possible.

Last Sunday our YW lesson was bringing Christ into our daily lives thru obedience, service, love, prayer, study and work. And one of the quotes we talked about was by Ezra T. Benson who said "Energetic, purposeful work leads to vigorous health, praiseworthy achievement, a clear conscience, and refreshing sleep. Work has always been a boon to man. May you have a wholesome respect for labor whether with head, heart, or hand." We don't often think of working with our head--but in fact that is exactly the work you are and will be doing for a while....making sure that your thoughts always stay in hope and faith knowing that the Lord knows of your pain and trial and that He will support and comfort you. We miss your beautful bright spirit in class and send our love.
Hang in there!!! Sister Swanson
Anonymous said…
Leslie and Kristin,

I hope you can get home tomorrow!! It will really do you both good to be home! We'll pray for the roads to be clear and no accidents so you can make it home safely.

Take care and hope to hear from you at home soon!

Forrest said…
Kristin dont let peoples stares bother you they are just curious and im sure that they mean no harm. I hope you are keeping your spirits up and still the bright fun person that i adore so dearly.
I was also wondering if it was possible for me to get one of the t-shirts considering that i am so far away. i hope you know i think about you and your happiness everyday and only wish for the best to come your way.


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