We just said goodbye to Kristin and Kyle Karrasch as they left for Galena's Prom. Can I have a moment and say how beautiful she looked to me?


Kathy Hawley said…
I had been holding my breath all week. It was such a wonderful sight to see prom pictures posted when I checked this morning! It must have taken some fancy footwork on all your parts to make it happen. Some things are meant to be :) Sometimes after the lowest lows, come the highest highs - enjoy!
Amy Girl said…
Yeah! I am so happy for her. She looks stunning.
Sue said…

You look great!!! Looking forward to meeting you this weekend...the wishgranters are coming!!!! Live happy! Sue
Kathy Hawley said…
I hope the memories of prom escorted you safely through the week. I know there must be plenty going on - it's always busy when you are on treatment! Just wanted you to know I was thinking of you :)
Anonymous said…
You look SO beautiful Kristin. I love the dress too! BCBG? I have to say chemo has it's crazy perks. The weight loss makes you look like a model in that designer dress. But then - you were always a waif to begin with. I'm going to try and print pictures & send to Jayci. She'll never believe you looked so good with only 4 months under your belt. Things are looking good for you girlie :) HEY - so I have to ask ... did you stay up on your heels the entire night? If so -- I believe you had guardian angels holding you there on each side. What great memories.
Luanne Taylor

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