
Kathy Hawley said…
WOW!!! This is really great news!! I will sleep easier tonight, as, I am certain, will all of you!
Hope this week is a good one for you. Don't know if you got to watch any of General Conference over the weekend, but it was really uplifting and I thought of you. To top it off, after the Saturday sessions I went to Raley's and saw someone wearing their bright-red "Live Happy" T-shirt. It made me smile and it was nice to think of all of the love and prayers that are going your way.
Two weekends ago we were in Utah for a wedding and Pete and I got to watch Keith & Danny's rugby game. Seeing Keith was another reminder of you. I know what good friends you are and how much he cares about you.
Just know that you are loved and not alone, even though I'm sure it feels that way at times. Heavenly Father will always be there to comfort you.
Thinking of you with love,

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