Tuesday I picked Kristin up from school after the nurse had called. She had a fever of 100.2 and was complaing of the chills. After talking to Oakland we went straight to Renown. She was immediately started on iv antibiotics, and labs and blood cultures were drawn. Soon the fever was conquered. Labs showed that she was severely neutropenic. Her neutrophils were basically nill meaning she was very susceptible to infection. Although the cultures have been negative thus far, it would be extremely dangerous to go home until her counts are on the up swing and recovering. She has a 50% chance of getting a life threatening infection. Dr. Hastings has said that there have been times when patients have gone home with counts like hers and have not made it back to the hospital in time! That is how quickly these patients have can take a turn for the worse. She spoke right to Kristin as she said this. As stressful as this is for her she is in the best place and receiving excellent care from the great staff at Renown. So, it is Friday and she is still in room 528. The anxiety of school, cancer, and feeling like %$&* are taking their toll. Her weight is at an all time low. She is so thin, bruises easily, and finds sitting and lying in bed painful. We are trying all that we can to make her comfortable and help her sleep peacefully. Wednesday she had moderate nose bleeds as we waited for more platelets. Needless to say, we are all tired of this and cannot wait for some kind of normalcy to enter back into our lives. I am glad though that this is not happening in Oakland. At lease Darren and I can trade off at night. I am able to run home in the morning, take care of the boys, clean up, go back to the hospital, get Cody from football, and Wyatt from school, fix something that resembles a dinner and go back to the hospital......yes, normalcy would be a welcome friend!

On a happier note,
Kristin had an absolutely, hands-down, fantastic
BIRTHDAY! We wanted to say thank you to you all and promise to get pictures posted and thank yous written as soon as the dust settles!

My love to you all!


Amy Girl said…
Oh Leslie and Kristin! I am so sorry you are on the down-swing of this dreaded cancer thingy right now. You are in our thoughts, prayers, and wishes for a speedy recovery to be back home where there's some normalicy. Lots of love.
Anonymous said…
We are so sorry to hear that you're stuck in the hospital. Despite the wonderful care, it's never fun, for sure.

I have just told Eric your latest news (in the hospital bed here in Oakland)and he sends his best, too! That old saying that misery loves company is not true, it's more like . . . just, FEEL BETTER SOON!! Get those counts back up so you can at least go home!

All our love and good wishes.

Marcheta & Eric Trowbridge
Kathy Hawley said…
It was good to meet you at Light the Night! I hope Kristin is out of jail and back home. I think of you frequently! Kathy Hawley
Chaci said…
Happy Birthday Kristin! You are definitely my hero, and are always in our prayers! We can't wait to have you hold our babies :) Love you!

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