This was the text that Kristin sent me from school Friday morning. The night before she had been getting dizzy when she stood up and she said her heart was pounding. This usually means that her hemoglobin is low and she needs a transfusion. The past week had been incredibly difficult for her and she was trying desperately to keep up with school but just could not muster up enough energy to do so. She has been terribly pale and tired. So, bright and early Friday morning, we did labs and had them to LabCorp by 7 a.m. Around 11:00 Oakland called with the numbers. HGB 7 and Platelets 20. This meant off to Renown for two units of juicy packed red blood cells and one unit to platelets. We arrived at 1:00 and did not receive any transfusions until 5:00!!!!!! I got some movies and Darren brought fried rice to help pass the time. Needless to say we did not get home unitl 2 a.m. this morning. Thank you to all of you who have donated blood products! These save lives and Kristin is with us today as living proof! It is beyond my comprehension why some people claim religious reasons to not transfuse. What an awful thing to inflict on an innocent child! Does not everything good thing come from God? All this aside, Kristin is feeling and looking much better and we are so very grateful for the gifts of modern medicine!


Hi Kristen and Leslie,
Thank you so much for keeping us informed. We are with you in our thoughts and prayers, and we know you are going to come out on top.

You are both beautiful!
Love, Georgia
Leslie, can you take Kristen to this site?: radiatejoy@gmail.com. Brandon Fisher started it up to cheer on and encourage his cancer patients in his residency. Chaci's twins are due any time!
Love, G
oops--me again, its actually http://radiatejoy.blogspot.com/

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