Kristin had an appointment this morning for Vincristine at Renown. Tomorrow we will go back for stat labs and probably a transfusion. Since her counts are heading south, Dr. Raphael wants to avoid a Thanksgiving Day transfusion as no one from Oakland will be in town after Tuesday. While we were there she talked with some of her favorite nurses, Tia Spiers and Sandy Payne, about her new career decision...nursing. They gave her some good advice. I know she is excited about the future and we are just as thrilled also. We talk about future plans often, knowing that there are so many good things in store for her. I personally think she would make an excellent nurse especially if she chooses the hematology/oncology path as a nurse practitioner. (yes Connie, just like you!)

As of today there are only seven days left of Delayed Intensification 2 and then she will be in Maintenance! (count dependent)This is significant because she can look forward to having her Broviac removed in February. Most of the chemo will be PO. Dr. Hastings said that she would not be needing anymore transfusions and can look forward to feeling much better in the months ahead. Maintenance will continue until March/April of 2010. I know that sounds like a long way away, but we are so close to putting this horrific year behind us,and I guess that really is something to write home about.

counts as of today are WBC 1.2, ANC 240, HGB 8, PLATELETS 80.ALBUMIN 5.6,

Thank you for your continued support and prayers. A day does not go by when our family does not count our blessings and humbly thank our Father in Heaven for the tender mercies that have been showered upon our family. Leslie


Anonymous said…
Kristin Congratulations!! We counted the days until Giovanni started maintenance as it is a huge milestone. You did it! Think of everything that lead up to this - a lot of hard work and many hard days. Maintenance means more freedom - to feel good and do more things - go out in public, swim, shower, not have to worry about dressing changes or where that pesky clip is, not worry about all that can potentially go wrong with the broviak. Giovanni gets his out soon too! How strange it's a part of him now, I'm sure you feel the same way. Oh, but possibly the best part of finishing delayed intensification is your hair will grow back. You being a young woman this is a huge part of your life, but it's amazing how much having a full head of hair makes even a 5 year old boy happy. Watching how quickly it comes back will both amaze and delight you. We are all so happy for you.
The Hartman Family
Giovanni - 5 years old, ALL
Bret, Suzanna and baby Isabella
Kathy Hawley said…
What an anniversary you have coming up! Not one you would ever ask for, but one you will think about for years to come. I hope things lighten up for you now and you can enjoy a more normal life! I remember the day Jennifer got her line out. I asked the Dr. when she could swim (it was mid-June) and he said tonight! I could have stuffed her drape in his mouth! We had to go buy a swimsuit on the way back to the motel, and I thought I would starve before I got her out of the pool! Then we sat around the bathroom sink and ran water through the line for a while - when you fill a syringe and push it, it shoots really far! They thought we were crazy - not really - for wanting to have the line. It gave the kids hours of entertainment. I think if I dig deep enough it is probably somewhere in the house to this day! My best to each of you - you are all to be commended for getting Kristin this far and you all deserve congratulations. Seasons Greetings! Kathy

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