Kristin is currenly in room 5330 getting two units of PRBC's. Her counts are on the way down and I am hoping that this is all the drama we will see. It has been a long, difficult...two months.....seems like forever.... especially as we approach the one year mark. Our daily excursions to Berkley have been uneventful. (I decided that if I had another life, I would like it to be in Berkley. I love this area!) We are going to Alta Bates Hospital. I am taken by the compassion, charity, and warmth that the patients are treated with here. It is the same spirit you feel when you walk onto the 5th floor here at CHO. Wonderful people who truly and compassionately love what they do. Back to her radiation.....Her radiation takes all of two minutes. I call it a "lick." Thankfully she is getting a very low dose so the side effects are pretty much nil. Kristin really looks forward to returning to school on a more regular basis. I cannot begin to tell you of the hardships Kristin has gone through. She is amazing.

thank you to everyone who is helping out at home.....we could not do this without you.



Anonymous said…
Hi. My name is Katie Bozzi. I'm a medical assistant in Hawthorne NV at Mt. Grant General. I just read the article in Renown Journey, Live Happy, Laugh & Love. I picked up the publication because I was going to have my hair cut and saw you on the cover and thought you were beautiful. I just wanted to let you know you're not shallow at all. Something as simple as a haircut can make a person feel as though they're in control of their life. And those of us who have that priviledge take it for granted. I'm truely impressed with your courage and remember that even as a stranger I will keep you and yours in my prayers.
Dear Leslie and Kristen and family,
Oh, how we wish we were closer to help! You are all amazing. To look at your beautiful photos we would never know what you are enduring. Please know of our love and prayers. Eat Kristen, Eat! Rest Leslie, rest, and know you are in our hearts every moment.
We love you,
Christy Dyer said…
Kristin, if I have said it once I have said it 100 times...YOU are AMAZING! The article in the Renown magazine was really neat. You are "letting your light shine" and your Mom is like ball of bright sunshine not only to your family, but all she comes in contact with. We continue to pray for you and your family.
Tim Puliz said…
Darrin & Leslie,

We know how difficult it is to manage the daily tasks of family life with Kristin's treatment and care. Please remember that your neighbors are happy to assist with anything you need.

Also, when you are looking for Cooper, he is often running aroung chasing geese at our house or along the irrigation ditch. He's a happy dog.


Vicki & Tim
Bennett Family said…
Dear Kristen and Leslie,
I just learned about Kristen's illness and your challenges and amazing courage! Know that we are praying for you too! We remember you from your early days here in Bountiful and all still love you!
Sending love and prayers, Elizabeth and Sterling Bennett and family
Meagan said…
Dear Kristin and Family,
Hi, my name is Meagan and I have had Osteosarcoma for almost four years now. I am 25 year old mother and wife. I too saw Dr. Hastings in the begining of my treatment. I then went to UCSF Children's Hospital for all of my treatment. I have had about 13 surgeries, two years of chemo and many sessions of cyber-knife radiation. I am still not completely cancer free, but my outlook seems to look good. I now know that I can have cancer and also continue to live life to its fullest. I admire how strong you are, especially for how young you are. I am very interested in starting a support group for young adults with cancer, but don't know exactly where to begin. It has been hard for me to find others my age to talk to about cancer and all of the "glory" that surrounds it. If you are ever interested in talking, please let me know. I am also a huge fan of blogging! It's kind of like my own little journal. My blog is www.mikemegbrayden.blogspot.com. You sound like an amazing girl who has the greatest support system that anybody could ever ask for. I will definitly keep you in my prayers. Remember to keep fighting and in the words of Winston Churchill, "Never,never, never quit." I know that I still continue to live by those words. Take care.
Meagan Johnson (Sparks, NV)
Meagan said…
Oh, and by the way, I too and LDS. I just figured out that you were too. Knowing what we know definitly has helped me get through cancer to this point. Stay strong!
Meagan Johnson

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