Our clinic visit at Renown went well today. Kristin had an IV push of Vincristin courtesy of the lovely Tia Speirs. This med is the bad boy who is responsible for her neuropathy (nerve damage) that makes it difficult to walk and now even holding a pencil, silverware, etc. you may often see children "marching" and their feet slapping when they walk. This is because their ankles are very weak and they are unable to lift them when they walk causing the foot to drop. They must rely on their quadriceps to lift their feet. Kristin is very self conscience of this and has been working with a physical therapist to regain some strength and balance. It may take a while, but she has been reassured by her Doctors that this will resolve and that they have never had a patient return after therapy with "the dreaded foot drop."

Her med regime continues to be daily 6MP (mercaptopurine), once weekly Methotrexate, monthly Decadron for 5 days.

Did I mention we have had a sighting of hair! It is glorious...

While we were there a previous patient came in. His name is John. He was 18 when he was diagnosed with A.L.L. He is now 22 and doing great. It was good for Kristin to talk about snowboarding, living, and getting the darn Broviac out and have someone know exactly what she was talking about. I was grateful she had the chance to meet him.

As far as labs go today Connie said they were good. She said,"ANC is 2600 something, HGB 10 something, Platelets 200 something, we are not worried about them. You can do the next labs the day before her next appointment in February." Gasp! What will I do without my numbers? I think she was waiting for me to have an anxiety attack. Should I be happy? Well yes, but I know I am going to wonder everyday. I find myself pacing and anxious until I hear her awake every morning; or if she takes a nap for too long, I feel the need to constantly check on her. I wait with baited breath until she returns home from school or when she is out for the night.

Alas, it must be time to cut an apron string. Okay, maybe just a trim........


Anonymous said…
Lesslie, the blog looks great!! I went back through and re-read everything it seams like the longest year ever!!


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