...she said,"I'M FREE!"

I thought I would let everyone know that Mr. Broviac is no longer a part of Kristin's life! Hallejuah... He was laid to rest at 9:30 a.m. on January 30, 2009 after serving faithfully in the fight against childhood cancer! All kidding aside, we are thrilled to have this part of the the journey behind us. This is a monumental day for cancer patients as it represents that they have completed a very difficult part of their protocol, and can now move on to a less intense phase. Kristin and all the others before her have all paid a big ransome to get to this point. I am so proud of her. It took all of three minutes to remove the broviac and the surgeon seemed to make a point of letting us know that it took such a short time. I got the impression that he was put out for having to do it in the OR. Then again he was not a pediatric surgeon nor an oncologist making him indifferent to what these kids have gone through. No one suffering with cancer needs to "suck it up" for even three minutes after what they have endured. Child and adult alike! Kristin is a bit of a celebrity at Renown and some of the nurses made a big deal about it. The magazine with her picture on the cover was everywhere and people always notice her when she goes there. She is a bit embarassed by this and always down plays the whole thing. She says it is no fun to be popular because you have cancer. I agree!

After recovering we celebrated by going to IHOP for pancakes as she had been craving them since last night. She took a long nap and is currently getting ready to go out for the night. I can tell her counts are low as she is on the pale side of the color wheel. I know this will not stop her....



Kathy Hawley said…
Congratulations!!!!! That warrants celebration! I remember being surprised how fast the surgeon came out when Jennifer's broviac was removed - I had hardly left the room. He said they could easily do that procedure without putting the kids out - they would just feel a quick hard pull - BUT they liked to put them out at UCSF because occasionally the lines broke under the skin and then they had to go digging. Better be safe than sorry was their motto. Enjoy the freedom!! Kathy
Anonymous said…
We just missed you. Giovanni's friend the broviak was removed on Thursday, right in time for his anniversary the next day. After getting up at 5 am for the 8 am 'operation' to take a handful of minutes was almost anti-climactic, we were making a big deal of it (ei. taking pictures) even if it was a quick thing. Now our broviak lives in a bag, I think he's in the kitchen right now. I can't wait to see Giovanni's little body all healed up without the tube hanging out or a bandage. In a few days his body will be his again! It is so very exciting and now there's one less thing to worry about that can make our kids sick. Watch out swimming pools, here we come!
HOOOORAY! One little step at a time, right?

We love you,

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