Kristin and Tia Speirs in the new wing of Renown's new Children's Hospital. She was the second patient to recover in the room. It is beautiful.

Kristin had labs done Tuesday in preparation for her clinic visit on Thursday. Her counts, particulary the ANC needs to be above 750 in order to proceed. Maintenance consists for cycles of 84 days of meds beginning with an LP and intrathecal methotrexate on day 1. This is repeated until she reaches the one year mark of beginning maintenance which should be approximately April 2010. (umm, I think that is correct) She just completed the first 84 days. Hot Dog! I called to get lab results on Wednesday. HGB 13.7, WBC 1.7, PLATELETS were clumped so they could not be calculated! That is a mistake on LabCorps part and has nothings to do with Leukemia. Her ANC was 680. What does all this mean? So close, but no chemo unless counts come up..... So, the plan was to have Kristin go back to LabCorp and repeat labs as early the next morning as possible. A stat order was sent over the day before so all would be ready because anesthesia, doctors, pharmacy would be needing to know if her counts had come up enough to proceed. Kristin got to LabCorp at 7:40 and had to wait for an hour to be called back to have blood drawn! Then, they said there was not an order for a stat cbc!!!! I don't think so...I am not at all surprised by this at all. Nurse Tia asserted her inner Super Nurse and told them to get on it because yes they did have the order and they needed to get this done asap. You go Tia! Well, of course they found it and her blood was drawn. The results were just good enough to have chemo and proceed with the next 84 day cycle. The new results were ANC 840, WBC 1.5, HGB 12.9, PLATES 282. I still feel they need to reduce the 6mp just a hair because it sure looks like it supressing her counts just a wee bit to me, but what do I know?

The day ended with an LP with methotrexate,(thanks Dr. Lasko) they also drew spinal fluid for testing, vincristin intravenously, a yummy sandwich courtesy Dr. Hastings, and hugs from Tia!
As always, with all my gratitude, Leslie


Amy Girl said…
Leslie, mothers always know! Thanks for the update.

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