McThankyou, Ronald McDonald House

Kristin was the fortunate recipient of a scholarship from the local Ronald McDonald House. The well planned and anticipated event was held at The Sienna. We are indebted & appreciative to our community for working and donating generously to this worthwhile foundation. thank you thank you thank you thank you !!!!
p.s. I read back to where we were last year... yikes! Little did we know just how bad things would get It was a good thing we did not know how wicked the storm really was! What a year it has been.I love to see that smile because she has so much to look forward. Even with another year of chemo, there is still soooooo much to smile about.


That is so Awesome! The Ronald McDonald House is also an amazing place. Providing a place to stay for families displaced because of a sick child in a hopital not near there home town. We were blessed to use there facility in Salt Lake. During the time my Madison was in the NICU for weeks after birth. That is so great that Kristin is getting some school help! What a beautiful smart girl!

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