the "F" word

So, you immediately thought "fever" correct? Good for you! In cancer world fever is an "f" word,one that tends to put parents on edge. The elusive and slippery fever Kristin had been sporting for the last few days took a jump last night into the "spicey" range, as Kristin called it. Earlier in the day she had mentioned she had trouble catching her breath and it hurt to breathe in and when she coughed. From my observations she had no worrisome cough, no runny nose, good color and seemed to have plenty of energy. I tucked the conversation away. She went to study and did not mention it again. Later in the afternoon our family went up to Tahoe for some family pictures with Nigel. We had great light, but the wind was bitterly cold to say the least. As we were wrapping up and walking back to the car, she had some serious trouble catching her breath. Darren rushed her to the car to warm her up and she seemed fine. Later, a similar scenario, occurred in the car with Nate . We took her temp and it was 103. Darn. Really? Let's see if this thing is working right... (ie. the thermometer) Here, you take your temp...98.7 mmm, seems to be. Try this thermometer...96.7.. Nope, this one is way off...Lets take it again in twenty minutes. . ticktock..103.5! Dang it..that's a spicy fever Mom..I know..I really don't feel too well either and am super tired. I'll call Oakland.. we were sent to Renown where Kristin was warmly greeted by nurses Jess and Janet. (some favorites) and a doctor with a great bedside manner. Labs and an x-ray later revealed Pneumonia. Although I was surprised by the declaration, I was very relieved that this is all it was. So, some iv antibiotics, a prescription and orders in hand, we landed home by 1:30 a.m. I know, always on the weekend, always at night, and always when our docs are out of town. Like I said inconvenient truth. Aside from the sarcasm, I am grateful for the outstanding and swift care she received and again reminded to count my "many blessings."


I want a magic wand. And for you to call me when or if we can ever do ANYTHING for Kristen. ANYTHING!
Our prayers are flowing. I want her to feel better.

I hope you are hanging in there. You are remarkable.
Love, Georgia

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