Kristin came into town on Wednesday night, Nov. 11, to prepare for a LP with intrathecal methotrexate. Personally, I was thrilled to have her home and could not wait to spend time with her, hold her, take in her sweetness, watch movies, you get the idea. Thursday morning came and I wanted to make her favorite homemade mac n'cheese, Bobby Flay style, so it would be ready when we got home that afternoon. She wanted to go to Galena to say hi to some teachers. Around noon we went to Renown. Kristin was greeted with hugs and then more hugs. They are always so good to her! The LP went smoothly. during the procedure, CNS fluid (centeral nervous system fluid) specimens are always drawn for evaluation and then methotrexate is given directly into the spinal fluid. I have not heard anything regarding the labs on the CNS fluid, so in this case no news is good news. The most recent labs were "glowing." So much so that her meds have now been raised to 100%. Remember, that since her counts had dropped too low a few times, the daily chemo regime she has been on was reduced so that counts can recover and stay in the desired and optimal range. This is per the protocol she is on. That evening Darren brought home a movie that we all enjoyed together, just like the good ol' times. Friday Kristin felt a bit better but I could tell she had been knocked down a notch or two. The notorious chemo headache, sore back and "not such a good feeling" in the stomach all seemed to rear their heads. Saturday seemed to fit this description also, but she certainly tried her best.

Visting Reno was bitter sweet to say the least. There needs to be time to heal all the wounds of this experience, process them, put them in their proper place, and continue on LIVING HAPPY as best as possible. I have no doubt she will shine through them beautifully, full of grace, and triumphant.

thank you for the loving prayers for her all our loved ones who walk through these trials,


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