Well, against our better judgement, Kristin returned to Provo on Sunday. Actually she only made it to Bountiful. For the entire drive back she was sporting a not so good fever. Coughing fits made for a tense ride. Poor Nate! Good thing the Nevada Highway patrol was understanding. When they arrived in Bountiful, the cold air literally took her breath away. The Sumbots had her stay there for the night. Thank you! The next day fever still persisted and she went to Primary's for followup. A new xray showed "hazy or foggy" lungs. Saturday they only saw something in the lower left lung which I guess is typical for A-typical pneumonia. ie. walking pneumonia. So, they just said it could be viral or bacterial, we don't know. If it is pneumocystis, she'll get much sicker. mmmm that is comforting. She returned home. Last night we talked and her temp 102.2. She called about an hour later struggling to breathe. I talked her through it and she was fine. Early this morning her temp rose to 103.3 and she was having serious trouble breathing. Lindsey rushed her to Utah Valley Regional ER. I nervously called Pam who happen to be working there. She grabbed the respiratory therapist on her to the ER and they were able to get her some oxygen and take oxygen sat readings right away. More labs, an xray, and waiting. She was sent home with a new antibiotic. I just checked on her and she was doing fine. Hopefully we are over the hump and things will be smooth sailing for now.

Some of the organisms that cause pneumonia are commonly found in the air. The lung's natural defenses normally protect against infection from these organisms, but they sometimes break through these defenses. Since Kristin's defenses are not normal, bacteria, fungi, and viruses, lay in wait for just the right opportunity. Leukemia and all the chemotherapy that goes with it, leave one with a severely weakened immune system. Thus, giving the opportunistic "bugs" an open door to the lungs. Kristin is suppose to be taking Bactrim every weekend to help prevent such infections. When asked if she has been taking it faithfully, her reply left us with no doubt that she has not. Here come the big guns! There will be no more of that because she has been warned that if this happens again, with any of her meds, she will be back here in Reno..going to school..making sure she complies with doctor's orders. I will surely be a nervous Nellie for the next few days until all signs of fever are gone.

Kristin and I were talking about the day we "Hear the Fat Lady sing." AHHHH!, it will be so sweet. I already have the post written in my head and cannot wait.

We are grateful to Lindsey, Pam and the Sumbot family.



Kathy Hawley said…
Oh, the ups and downs! I hope the improvement continues... and the meds! It is so hard to be normal in all of this. Maybe impossible. It is so fun that you are beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Mother Nature just likes to remind us of who is REALLY in charge around here. Sometimes she is not very nice about it. Cheers to all, and have a great holiday season, read, a healthy one :) Kathy

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