I know, the title is not very good grammar, but if the word fits, write it. Right? As of the last post Kristin was not doing so good. The evening brought some pretty high fevers, some awfully low blood pressure (70/34), difficulty breathing, and all around tense moments. BUT, emphasis on the big BUT, is that she made it through the night just a little worse for wear.

Some test results began to come back. No, it is not a-typical pneumonia (walking pneumonia), negative on the H1N1 or seasonal flu, negative for Legionella, negative for aspergillius, negative for a slew of other viruses and bacterias, negative blood cultures. Levaquin seems to be the antibiotic of choice. The trouble was why is she still having such high fevers? What needed to be ruled out was PCP, pneumocystis carinni pneumonia. This is an opportunistic pneumonia that people with compromised immune systems are susceptible. Leukemia patients are prime targets along with HIV and bone marrow patients. Her xray has shown that both lungs are equally covered with a foggy haze that looked "sparkley". The doctors decided to send her for some lung function tests that would produce some "goo" which they could then test for PCP. The test was exhausting, but Kristin did it. The day was half over and Kristin has not presented with any fevers nor did she need oxygen. Good news! Kristin asked if she could go home. The doctor did not recommend it, but said it was up to her. I was not quite comfortable with her being discharged. Nevertheless, theysaid it was Kristin's decision and let her go around 11:30 that night.

As of now we are waiting for the results of the goo test and she is being treated as if she does have PCP. All chemo is "supposedly" being held while on the thrice daily regime of Bactrim and once daily Levaquin. I was told a doctor would look into it and call today and let me know for sure. No one has called yet. I am spent and am really looking forward to getting off this roller coaster. Although, I am sure Kristin is much more deserving of this title than I.


I need your phone number. Are you in Salt Lake? Mine is 801.860.3538. Give me a call if you can.

Love you,

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