Talk about "Manic Monday!" The day began driving to Renown for labs and hopefully beginning interim maintenance 2. I say hopefully because as of the last lab report Kristin's ANC too low. It needs to be <750.

Once we were there they immediately did labs to check her ANC so we would know whether we could proceed with chemo or have to wait. After a few hours and a movie later (Super Star...sooooo funny!) It was a go, barely. Since she was NPO, fasting and nothing by mouth, it was a long and miserable wait since there were other patients ahead of us. Around 2:45 she went in for the LP with intrathecal methotrexate. She was also given vincristine and more methotrexate via her broviac cath. That is a lot of chemo. She must of gotten a little extra of "something" because when she woke up she was very loopy. Today we went back for more. Three giant shots of PEG in her thighs and then two hours of observation to make sure she did not stop breathing. PEG can have some serious side affects and she needs to be monitored carefully.
While we were there Kristin was able to visit with two other patients close to her age. Eric and Dustin. This was unusual as there are usually much younger children around. Today was different. I found it amazing to watch the three of them make a connection and see themselves in each other's eyes. They were telling their stories, asking one another questions, and for a brief moment they had control of their world, not cancer, doctors, nurses, parents or chemo! I loved the moment and will cherish the picture in my mind of the three lying in their beds, one bald, one hooked up to machines and one munching on a cookie!
I wish you could have been there, as they were just ,"Three peas in a pod!"
Once we got home it was a very rough night. I will suffice it to say it was awful and I wish I could take all the "awful" away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We finally Kristin got settled and were lying in bed when she softly whispered,"Mom, I love you. I know my Heavenly Father loves me too. I feel it all the time."

Yes Kristin, he does!


What an amazing young woman, and what wonderful faith. I wonder where she gets it from? :-)
Thinking of you with love-
Pete, Kathy, Ryan & Eric

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