Yesterday labs were drawn as our doctors wanted to repeat them one more time before Kristin leaves for school. The phone rang around 8:30 and I saw that it was from Renown. I knew immediately that something was up with her labs...let me take that back. Something was down with her labs, specifically her ANC. (the absolute neutrophil count=the number of bacteria fighting white blood cells) Sandy Payne reported that her ANC was 168! Yikes..remember the goal during maintenance is to keep the ANC hoovering around 1000-2000. The other counts we look at regularly are WBC 1.2, PLATELETS 256, HGB 12.7. The plates and hgb are nice and stable, just the way we like them. I have been a suspicious, for two months now, that we needed to tweek the meds a bit. I have felt that her counts have been suppressed just a little too much. What does this all mean. Stay away from sick people!!!! don't get any fever, hold all meds and until we repeat labs on Monday. So, if you are visiting the house please leave your germs at home.

Meanwhile, Kristin is busy getting ready for BYU, (We leave on June 17) writing graduation thank you's and finalizing all scholarship requirements.

Wyatt has been playing in the end of the season Little League tournament and his team has been doing quite well. Unfortunately he rolled his ankle running after a ball. When we got home he said,"Excuse me, but should my foot be pointing this way?" After an x-ray, Dr. Mathis confirmed that it was indeed broken. The break is on the 5th metatarsal where the ligament connects to the bone. It is the most common break when you roll your ankle. Needless to say Wyatt was thrilled with the idea of crutches and his boot. But, the excitement quickly dissipated and now he just cannot do much of anything...silly boy.

Thank you for your kindness, prayers, and support,


Keeping my fingers crossed about the labs on Monday.
Poor Wyatt. I was just thinking about him yesterday. Someone was talking to me about the class I took over for Rita and it had me thinking of all those great kids. Tell him how sorry I am about his ankle and to be sure to keep in touch now that he's out of elementary school!

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