So here we are again. Do I dare say that this almost feels normal? That is a creepy thought as I cannot think that there is anything normal about chemo-therapy. Once again Kristin had a lumbar puncture with chemo (chemo injected into the spinal fluid) under anesthesia. After 6 hours of hydration with sodium bicarb, she was started on high dose methotrexate via her broviac catheter. This will take 24 hours and then they give the rescue drug so that it clears from her body. methotrexate actually mimics folic acid and trick the cancer into absorbing it. It then kills these absorbed cells. But, when left into the body for too long it causes serious damage. Thus, the rescue drug leucovorin. Amazing isn't it! Once this clears from her, we are free to go! Yipee! She is tolerating the drugs well, but is emotionally struggling. This is a tough time and the treatment looks to go long and hard through the summer and into the fall. This is devastating for her. My heart hurts for the price she is paying.
Thank you for your continued prayers and faith.
Thank you for your continued prayers and faith.
I hope your time in Oakland speeds by and you get home quickly. Our prayers continue to reach heavenward for you.
keep strong and happy