The campaign held it's closing event in late June. Kristin put on her very best (gorgeous prom dress), Darren donned a tux, me.....well...., Wyatt was in his Sunday best, and Kyle Karrasch looked smashing in his suit.(cody had a tournament game) We went to the Reno Ballroom where the room was set beautifully. We met all the candidates, checked out the fabulous silent auction, and I nervously fretted over my speech in the bathroom. Dinner was tasty, but Kristin was not feeling so well. Darren took her out and she ended up in the bathroom sending her salad back. (We later realized that her blood sugars were too high) The candidates were introduced. Then it was my turn to speak. In a nutshell, I expressed our thanks to the community and the outstanding people we met along the way and encourage people to help further the research efforts as this is where the answers await! Although we may have nuclear waste and brothels in our great state, we live in a very generous community. I stated that Kristin needed to leave. As she got up from the table, the room began the rise... clapping and giving her a standing ovation. What an amazing spirit that carried her! we love you all...thank you


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