Early, I mean very early yesterday morning, Kristin woke us up to say she wanted to go running. In my sleepy head, I was thinking she should go to the gym instead and did not voice my thoughts. So, off she went without a thought and I regreting I had not spoken up. An hour later she returned with two very bloody knees and hands.The pained look on her face said it all.Ouch! With blood dripping down her legs, I put her in the shower to carefully cleanse the dirt filled wounds with soapy water. The best part of the story is that she was proud of herself for running an entire mile without stopping. Being happy for her was a given, but I did recommend that she stick to the gym until she is more stable and the effects of vincristin have worn off. Chemo has been a ravenous wolf on Kristin's body. She has worked very hard at reclaiming what Leukemia has taken from her. She is bound and determined to claim her former strength, muscle tone, and agility. I say, GO GO GO SPECIAL K!
Your prom pictures are gorgeous!!!!