T-Shirts for Team Kristin

T-shirts are available through Amy Erger at 852-0428 or 354-8825. The proceeds from the sale will go into an account to directly benefit Kristin. These shirts say Live Happy on the front and Team Kristin on the back. They are red with white lettering, 50/50 blend and come in sizes s,m.lg.xlg., xxl.

We are still here in Vacaville waiting for Kristin's ANC count to go up. We were scheduled for surgery on the 24th., but her numbers were too low. Consequently, we are waiting until Monday to start "consolidation."

The upside to waiting for these couple of days may make it possible for her to go to the JA dance. She is looking forward to this dance so much. I know that she just wants to be with friends again and forget about Leukemia for just a little while. I cannot blame her one bit and hope that it works out for her.

In the mean time, we are trying to pass the time somewhat constructively. I have taken her to early matinees, making lists of things to do, write letters, etc. Unfortunately it has been raining just about everyday and it is hard to get out. On the few outings we have had, she needs to wear a mask to protect her. (think Doctors in surgery) We are amused by the public reactions she gets. Since people see her first, I usually catch them staring. I told one "curious" on looker who would not stop looking, "she has cancer." They sheepishly looked away. One man asked her out right if the smells bothered her. Kristin said,"No, I have cancer." The gentleman replied,"Hey, I had that once too. Goodluck!" Kristin surprised herself by blurting that out, but it felt good she said. In short, she hates to stares and finds it annoying. She has taken to writing messages on the masks like...yep, I have cancer!....go ahead stare, I make cancer look good.....

You are all amazing and I cannot begin to write enough thank yous for all everyone has done for Kristin and our family. From rides and sleepovers for Cody and Wyatt, meals, cleaning the house, plowing the driveway, prayers and fasting, hand sanitizers and clorox wipes, posters, gifts, t-shirts, the list goes on.... we are eternally grateful.

Go Team Kristin!



Anonymous said…
Yea for Team Kristin!! It is nice to belong to a team! Especially one that is doing good for others!

I'm sorry it's been so rainy for you. And you know - we don't even get much snow out of it here in Reno, just cold and dry. That's life though!

I say - wear your mask proudly!! I wish I had one the other day at Trader Joe's! This old man was standing behind me in line, but he felt the need to be thisclose to me! I think he thought it would move the line along faster! Anyway, he reeked of alcohol and was literally breathing down my neck! If I had a mask on he probably wouldn't have been so close to me! So, maybe, wearing a mask is a blessing - no old men breathing down your neck!!

Lots of love and prayers from all of us here at the Lee household!


Anonymous said…
Hey Kristin,

I just dropped by to see how you were doing. I'm hoping that you'll be able to come to home so I can see you at JA. Feel better and stay strong.
Anonymous said…
Hey Leslie and Kristin,

I hope you are doing well. I know I already commented, but just wanted to let you know some sad news. Or maybe you've heard - President Hinckley passed away this evening. What a wonderful man and prophet he was. He will be greatly missed.

We are all doing well here, but it is windier than all heck tonight!!!! I guess another storm is coming in! We see Darren and Cody and Wyatt at church and how lonely they are without you. Come home soon, if you can.

Take care,

Sue Lee
Amy Girl said…
Your mask stories crack me up. Humor is sometimes the best medicine!
Anonymous said…
you should draw one of your infamous sharks on a mask =]

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